My sister is getting married in less than 02 days time and her nervous pangs have set in already.
She is freaking day and out, getting hyper on the slightest of mismanagement and taking truck loads of stress on herself. Madam is into all the tiniest details of her own wedding, can you believe it? Her beauty regimen is on, with the run to the salons, the last minute accessory changes, quick visits to her husband to be’s place (who is down at the moment with severe cough and cold), the regular coordination with the florist, decoration guys, mehendi wala, cooks, photographers, relatives, friends, even the domestic help, arranging the tatha’s, return gifts and simultaneously packing her trousseau – she is pretty much running the show single handedly. Each day I go to my parent’s house, I see a to-do list pasted on her door, getting updated every day. The door has to be knocked and a permission to be taken to enter her room. You have to give a report of the task assigned to you (we all have respective tasks in any ceremony – right?), and the answer has to be a “yes its done”. If the report is anything less than that – get ready to be blown either by the furious ear splitting remarks or by some long drawn senti dialogues like “You couldn’t even do this for me L”. And there you are – dismissed by the Bridezilla!
Another person who is very nervous at this moment is my MOM. Her BP is fluctuating more than the so called share market these days. More than her daughter leaving the home it’s the stress of the hospitality part which is taking a toll on her mental health. Ensuring that each guest is attended to, and attended to properly is of primary importance to her. The strict instruction to all in the house is to keep her out of any stress at all. God save you, if you discuss any problem in her presence. She would at first dig you deeper and deeper to say it all and then what will follow are the animated hyper reactions enhancing the volume of the problem to a different level altogether. So shut your mouth and say “no problem really” is the mantra when mom is around.
May dada is relatively cool. Infact too cool at times to make my sis and mom go crazy. While operating my dad for anything, the only button to use is “PUSH”. He has to be reminded most of the times to do things. Having said that, he remains the most active worker in the house. Infact he is entrusted with those tasks which usually a man does in the house, physically straining ones most of the time. Its just a cup of tea every 2 hrs that he demands. But amidst so much of work and running around, there is a dam which might just break loose when daughter dear makes the formal exit.
Anyways lets not talk about that. It is this phase, that’s the most thrilling for a family n any girl and I soooooooo wish her all the very best in her life. She is undoubtedly going to be the prettiest bride of the season. This is for my little bridezilla..............
Love ya

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