Friday, March 16, 2012

Life questions in a fun meme!

Well, if not writing than atleast reading the posts of my blog pals is something I try and do every day. So I came across the author Preeti shenoy’s post which was a meme that she had participated in. I followed the link and found the whole thing pretty interesting.
Check out this blog for such memes.
So here’s my entry to their 99’er meme and I had loads of fun answering these interesting questions

1)    Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?

            Well partially yes. In my case I feel its better to forget than forgive. I choose to      avoid people who do me any wrong.

2) What is your astrological sign?

        The Ram – “Aries”

      3) Do you save money for anything? What?

a.   For holidays
b.   For the rainy days
c.    For confidence above all.

4) What's the last thing you purchased?

A dozen of books from the book fair was the last most meaningful thing I purchased.

5) Have you ever had a relationship that you realized was lust not love?

Nope. Am far too sensitive to sense it all before I commit

6) In a relationship?
Oh yes, since last 12 years :)

7) How many relationships have you had?
Well, a relationship without commitment isn’t a relationship really. The one man I committed to is my husband today.  So technically just one. Short lived crushes not counted.

8) What do you want to tell us about your day?
Well has been a perfect start to this day. As I like it. Being on time in office, arranging my work for the whole day and starting off in the morning with some reading. Happy J
Hope the day continues to be meaningful like this.

9) Where were you yesterday?

At office and then for a short bike ride with my huby in the evening. Loved it.

10) Is there anything interesting within 10 feet of you?

I see a beautiful flower pot on my desk which is painted by some small children of an NGO, who gifted us for our continuous support to them.

Then an excellent calendar of, saluting the minds behind great finds (saluting the HR fraternity for their contribution of human assets to the company)
A beautiful poster of Thailand tourism, capturing their famous & graceful traditional masked drama.

11) Are you wearing socks right now?

Socks in summers? No way.

12) What's your favorite animal?
Dog. My dalmecian – buzo to be more precise.

13) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
My smile and ability to empathize.

14) Where is your best friend?
Not there. I have lost all best friends. Some to fate some to death. I only intend to make good friends now

15) How did you end your last relationship?
By never valuing it enough for a relationship really.

16) What is your heritage?
I am an Indian and then a Bong (Bengali as they say).

17) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
Dreams of course. I was fast asleep.

18) What's new?
 Planning a short holiday. Shhhhhhhhh! Its hush hush right now.
My office guys should not know :P

19) What is the key to seduction?
Eye contact and a seducing/refreshing body odor.

20) What was the weirdest thing that happened to you this week??
 That I spent the whole week without having chicken. Lols!

21) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
 Save the dog ofcourse. And when I tell my boss the reason, I am sure he’ll understand. He is an animal lover too and I am not working with an unwavering boss anyways.

22) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
 a.   No I will not. I don’t need to except to the ones I love.
b.   I spend as much time as possible to all the people I love. Most importantly letting them know that I do. And visit jannat (Kashmir - India) with my huby for few days.
c.    No. Not then I guess.

23) You can only have one of these things: trust or love.
 Love ofcourse! It will even heal everything that breach of trust can do.

24) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
 So many of them. I just love music by my side for as long as possible. It’s a bliss

25) Who has your cell phone number (other than family)?
 My friends, my colleagues and boss and all these crazy people from insurance co’s//banks who drive me crazy with their phone calls :(
