Monday, January 30, 2012

Lost I am!

Lost I am………………

Amidst so much of routine and the chores of life.

Home - the four guarded dungeon walls

The ceilings and windows leave me with frightful qualms

Caged in fate………………lost I am

The disregarded soul in me cries

Questions one after the other arise

“What have you become” asks the reckless mind

I close my eyes - No answers come outright

Unable to respond…………….lost I am.

I flip the pages of book……….not wanting to read

I need more pals than him for sure

I sit by the window and peep outside

The world, for once seems to allure

I reminisce the days when I belonged to this horde

Being “Me” in this enormous crowd

A pang shoots through me and I hold on tight

Trapped in the crunch…………lost I am

And I wait........

That Someday I can leave it all behind and see

when I bump into this woman in me

and I get back to what I have been

The day hope knocks my door

then I know I’ll be lost no more………

Awaiting the day …………….lost I am!!!

Your generated text image

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Tea for two" tuesdays - meme by Preeti Shenoy

"Wow" - Here I see this amazing contest called "Tea for two (and a piece of cake) Tuesdays" where we can participate and share about the person whom would we like to call for a tea (for two) and why. This prompts me to participate too.

So Preeti, here it goes……………

"If I could invite anybody for 'tea for two' today it would undoubtedly be someone who doesn’t have tea". And then we can go out for a coffee. Go out – coz after a hard days work I’ll be too tired to make coffee either you see, lol! And that someone would be my husband for sure. The household chores and then the work load takes away a lot from life. So much so that simple things like hitting the neighborhood coffee day becomes a distant thought. A tea-time break in a coffe shop on a Tuesday evening………sounds like fun! So Huby it would be and yes – coffee it is :) :) :)

Wishing Preeti Shenoy all the very best for the third book. I am sure we are going love this as much as we did the last 2.