Knock Knock!
We have a guest!
For a working couple, a guest at home can be quite a nightmare right?
Wrong! or may be not always.
But I was different. Not like mother like daughter. A working woman with a 9 to 9 schedule, an amateur home maker and a confused host.
So on a sultry sunday afternoon when vishal very gently broke this news.
“Sukanya IP sir is coming to town for a week for the university exam paper corrections, and I have asked him to put up here” I stood in the doorway absolute aghast and baffled.
It had been 03 months of my domesticated life and I was trying hard, very hard to run the house like a homemaker should, but still every single arena of my home management needed massive improvement and therefore anyone coming to stay in my house was too much to handle. At the most it could be my in-laws and parents, but certainly not someone else. A volley of questions were doing a round in my mind as there is always a palpable sense of expectations with guests at home- What if I cant be hospitable enough, what if the maid takes an off and I have to cook, what if he doesn’t like the food we eat, what if he falls unwell and what if I cant take care……………… In short I knew me and my home both were not Guest ready !
I walked away with kinda anger all over my face (I was miffed but honestly shit nervous) when I heard him saying “Don’t worry, I’ll help”. I looked back to see him wink and smile to just reassure that he’ll be there in helping me face this big battle. The most he could do to help me dispel my doubts. The challenge was thrown and I had no choices, clearly!
I took a deep breath and said “ok (bring him on!)”.
I looked around and sighed. There was laundry waiting to be washed, The bed linens to be changed, the floors needed some scrubbing, closets were begging to be in order and the papers and books on the table yearned for some re-arrangement. The furniture’s needed some dusting too. Surely some trying times lay ahead.
IP sir was coming the next day and I had almost a days time to make my abode look like one, to quickly take tips from my mom on the dos and donts and to understand from vishal on his choice of food and whether he suffered from any restrictions due to diabetes or BP or thyroid etc. We were talking about a 67 year old man u see!
Dr. Ishwar Prasad Iyer- A man in his late sixties who has been a colleague of vishal in his ex company. Originally from mysore, he has spent the majority of his life in Bengal. He is married t a nepali woman (an ex air hostess) and has a young daughter, the family being settled in Siliguri. IP Sir is someone vishal is very close to professionally and personally and has the highest regards that one can have for someone other than your parents. He is special to him and therefore I had to be utmost careful to doubly ensure that he is taken care of in the best possible way.
The first and the only time I had met him was in November 2010, when I had paid a professional visit to his ex-college for a campus interview session for the travel tourism graduates. I had heard so much about him and was waiting to get over with the interview sessions to meet the gentleman. As we broke for lunch, I saw a man entering the interview room.
A hunched slender figure, with a sharp protuberant nose, literally popping out to poke in anything that comes in his way (surely he can be recognized by his nose even if one sees him after ages, lol!), IP sir surely looked to be burdened with the age. He swiftly came in and greeted me “welcome madam, it’s a pleasure to meet you". We shook hands, there was a smile so generous and a touch so caring (Some people really know about the perfect handshake, Impresso!). "same here sir, as I have heard so much about you" I responded.
We proceeded to the cafeteria and spent the next one hour chit chatting over an array of issues right from the college and the students I interviewed today, to how much vishal missed me and shared his desperation to get hold of a good job in cal. We spoke, laughed and gorged on some not so tasty food, and as we were on the way to the college interview room again, he left behind some recommendations. I was to shortlist 03-04 students then to come for the final round of interview in Calcutta office and his comments helped me a big deal to decide.
This short rendezvous with him was enough for me to withdraw my assumptions of how a 67 year old man can be. He can be just one of us! (as they say with some people, age just does not matter.)
IP sir arrived home the next day and continued to stay on for 02 and a half weeks (Yes, he extended his stay). For these 20 days, our home felt vibrant than ever before. He would be okay with anything he is given to eat, anywhere he is asked to sleep and anywhere we take him to ramble. A super flexible man, healthy and fit unlike his frail deceiving appearance.
He had stories of all ages to tell, and experiences of all kinds to share, yet utterly noninterfering and a happy go lucky man who adored his family, valued his friends and had this undying zest for life (so contagious!).
My parents, colleagues and friends wondered how I kept up my calm for these 20 days, at a point even vishal felt so. But I was enjoying his company and would look forward to come back home early and catch up with him over a cuppa of lemon green tea (which he loved). He would never forget to find out how my day went similarly how he never forgot to wish both vishal and myself a good day every morning. Yes he was cute but at the same time very respectful. In fact in these days my respect for him multiplied manifold.
My nervous pangs had long back disappeared and I was so contentedly myself, hospitable and caring as if it was my grandfather at home. I mean it!
On the last day, we gifted him a tie which he loved and gave back blessings in return. When I asked him “hope you enjoyed your stay sir”, he looked up with his patent smile and taking a deep breath said “beyond expectations madam” (I never objected him hailing me as madam, as it so reminded me of my dadu calling me “memshaheb”).
So my first guest has had a smooth stay and has left behind a trail of stories to remember and talk about for the coming few breakfasts and dinners now. Yes, I have battled it out and the end of it, I don’t feel worn-out but rather content that I have been able to take care, to make someone feel home and to give him reasons to think of our home whenever he is in town almost non diffidently.
It doesn’t really matter how small or big your house is, what matters is whether it is big enough to hold love and warm enough to embrace every single person who walks in. And more importantly (as my mom always says) if you are willing to treat “Guests like your own”.
Well I do. For now my house is always going to be guest ready.
Are you coming in next?
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