Lost I am………………
Amidst so much of routine and the chores of life.
Home - the four guarded dungeon walls
The ceilings and windows leave me with frightful qualms
Caged in fate………………lost I am
The disregarded soul in me cries
Questions one after the other arise
“What have you become” asks the reckless mind
I close my eyes - No answers come outright
Unable to respond…………….lost I am.
I flip the pages of book……….not wanting to read
I need more pals than him for sure
I sit by the window and peep outside
The world, for once seems to allure
I reminisce the days when I belonged to this horde
Being “Me” in this enormous crowd
A pang shoots through me and I hold on tight
Trapped in the crunch…………lost I am
And I wait........
That Someday I can leave it all behind and see
when I bump into this woman in me
and I get back to what I have been
The day hope knocks my door
then I know I’ll be lost no more………
Awaiting the day …………….lost I am!!!